Meghan Smith

In this interview, we learn more about Meghan, a spiritually led coach who supports high-achieving entrepreneurs to grow their businesses by healing their relationship with themselves, tending to their nervous systems, and addressing their underlying co-dependence and addictive behaviors.

Through a combination of coaching and spiritual teaching, Meghan leads women through the process of learning to surrender the uncontrollable, allowing them to create highly satisfying, spacious, and prosperous lives. 

What is your business, and who do you serve? 

Individual and group coaching, executive leadership training. High-performing.

 What led to you becoming an entrepreneur? 

Feeling very dissatisfied with the legal career I’d chosen. Through hiring my own coach, I came to believe I was worthy of an outstanding life and that it was possible to create it. Entrepreneurship naturally flowed from that belief.

 What does success mean to you?

It means coming to know and believe deeply in your own worth and value as a human, and living a true expression of who you are. If you can get to that place, you’ve succeeded.

What are the top challenges you had to overcome as an entrepreneur?

Imposter syndrome, living in the gap (having left the safe thing before the new thing was built), not overworking myself.

Did you always feel confident while creating your business? If not, what supported you to keep moving forward?

No! I am 5 years in and still question myself a lot – that’s human nature. Coaching supported me, growing a spiritual belief and practice, and surrounding myself with people doing similar things.

What advice would you give to new entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurship is an invitation to grow and evolve mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Treating it as such makes it a whole lot more fun–and sustainable.

What’s your favourite quote or inspirational saying?

I have so many! Right now one of the most powerful for me is “Life is never all handled”. If you’re waiting for life to be “sorted” before you get to enjoy it, you’ll be waiting forever. Life is a mess, it can’t be reigned in. You must learn to enjoy it now.

Where can we find out more about you and your services?


Instagram:  @coachmeghansmith