Marissa Brown - Owner of All

Marissa Brown

During the interview, we gained insights into Marissa’s entrepreneurial journey, which began at the age of 18. She has since built a highly successful spa business that has become the most sought-after destination for eyelash extensions and non-invasive beauty services in Cowichan Valley.

Marissa’s business growth is attributed to her emphasis on education, which has enabled her to become a seasoned educator. Her focus lies in enhancing the experience of both her clients and team members at the spa. She is dedicated to empowering women and fostering their careers in the beauty industry.


What is your business, and who do you serve? 

I am the owner of Allure Spa. We are Duncan’s Lash & Brow experts! We serve kind-hearted women who want to look and feel beautiful without the effort of getting ready. I am also a Beauty Educator and offer courses in Eyelash Extensions and other aesthetics. It is an exciting honour to help other women create a career or side job in this amazing and fun industry!


 What led to you becoming an entrepreneur? 

I come from an entrepreneurial family, so you could say it’s in my blood. haha! I was 18 when I started my business but really had no vision for what I wanted it to become at the time. Throughout the years I have been putting one foot in front of the other, it has led me to where I am today!


 What does success mean to you?

Success to me is the fulfillment in my heart of helping and serving others in a life-changing way!


What are the top challenges you had to overcome as an entrepreneur?

A top challenge for me was definitely learning to become an amazing boss/leader and effectively manage employees. And secondly…When I was 22 (4 years into the business) I opened a brand new, second location in Lake Cowichan. About 6 months into it, my Duncan location completely fell apart.

I had a manager who organized a staff walkout right before Christmas. They stole our client list, broke legal contracts and more, then created a competing business nearby. It absolutely crushed me in every way possible. Building back from that was incredibly hard. I wouldn’t take it back from the lessons and growth that came out the other side. But what an experience to go through!

Especially at that age, it was a hard lesson to learn that women (and mothers) twice my age wouldn’t hesitate to do something like that. I thought I could trust and rely on and look up to these women. It’s hard to see them in business to this day but it’s taught me to practice forgiveness in a harder way than I’ve ever known.


Did you always feel confident while creating your business? If not, what supported you to keep moving forward?

I mostly did feel confident yes, however, there were most definitely times when I felt uncertain or even crushed and defeated like I just wanted to quit and give it all up.

My incredible family and husband have supported me and loved me through all of my wins and deep struggles, too. I would also love to give amazing recognition to Ashley, my long-term employee and amazing manager. She has been more of a support system and help than she will ever know. I am deeply grateful for who she is and all she does!

Additionally, I know that God has put me in this place and position for a reason. Trusting in him, always, has led me to a place of abundance inside and out. Being able to have peace and trust moving forward in uncertain times and situations has been the ultimate gift!


What advice would you give to new entrepreneurs?

Spend more time working on your self-growth, than your business’s growth. Also, momentum is everything!


What’s your favourite quote or inspirational saying?

Just one?? How about my top 100?? One I really love is “The secret to living is giving” – Tony Robbins.

Especially being in a service-based business AND having a team of staff, you need to give and lead with a loving heart. If you focus on serving others they will feel your genuine care and want to come back, time and time again because you’re fulfilling their deepest needs of feeling loved, cared for and special!

I’ve noticed the negative shifts in my business, the times when I’ve unconsciously gotten away from that and been more focused on making money.


Where can we find out more about you and your services?


Instagram:  @allurespaduncan

Marissa Brown - Owner of Allure Spa sitting on a couch