There I was, back in 2016, walking down the long, grey corridor at the hotel where I worked as a sales manager. It was a regular day, like all the others and I was heading back to my office when all of a sudden I stopped. It was like I woke up from a deep sleep. Loud and clear the question: “what am I doing here?!” popped into my head. Closely followed by the thought, “I want to be coaching, not here”.
Four years prior, proudly displaying my framed ‘Certified Life Coach’ certificate, I set up shop as an entrepreneur who had finally found my calling and was on my way to fulfilling my potential. Starting my own practice didn’t bloom as quickly as I had imagined, and I went to take on part time work at a local hotel to support my new venture. The only thing was, this intention of getting hired for a part-time job quickly swept me into a series of full-time, high responsibility roles: hotel events manager then assistant hotel and restaurant manager, and then maternity leave while I had my first baby and welcomed back to the hotel with a sales manager position created just for me so I could balance work and new baby life.
Although I had continued to coach on the side during these years, it was very minimal compared with the vision I had set out with and the impact I really desired to make. I wasn’t living the life I thought I would be living.
This sudden and unexpected epiphany as I walked down the corridor was what I needed to get myself back in alignment with living my life in a way that felt truly fulfilling and authentic.
Soon after, I was registered for another coaching program where I could refresh my skills, gain some new ones and get back in line with the direction of my dreams. To put my gifts where they really created the most impact, where I felt most fulfilled.
Building my coaching practice was not an overnight feat, but I already felt more purposeful and lit up with the direction I was going.
I believe my foray back into the world of hospitality and working with the people I did at the hotel was a necessary step in my journey. I grew so much more confidence in my abilities as a leader. It was a surprise to me, but turned out to be a divinely timed side route that ultimately brought me back to my calling.
I have it that my life could have turned out differently. I could have stayed ‘asleep’, going through the motions of the well worn path in front of me. I could have decided it was easier to stay with the consistent pay cheque and be in the ‘known’, in my comfort zone. I could have turned a blind eye to the yearning for more purpose and fulfillment.
I’m so grateful that I allowed that question, ‘what am I doing here?’ to be my wake up call to get back on track.
I invite you to get curious and ask yourself the same question. Putting judgement aside, what response do you hear? Are you on track with living a life that feels fulfilling and purposeful? Are there any changes, shifts or tweaks that you’d like to make?