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Marissa Brown During the interview, we gained insights into Marissa’s entrepreneurial journey, which began at the age of 18. She has since built a highly successful spa business that has become the most sought-after destination for eyelash extensions and...
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Meghan Smith In this interview, we learn more about Meghan, a spiritually led coach who supports high-achieving entrepreneurs to grow their businesses by healing their relationship with themselves, tending to their nervous systems, and addressing their underlying...
by | | Confidence, My Lessons, Personal Growth, Relationships & Communication, Success, Tips & Tool, Well-being
Double down on the 20% of activities that provide you with 80% of your results – genius! The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, states that for many events, roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of the causes. Why does this matter? Because now you...
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What is Mental Fitness? The mind’s ability to shift from a negative response to a positive one when you are presented with a challenge or stressor. Imagine if you were able to face any problem with a calm, collected, and positive frame of thinking when a...
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“If you can’t take time, you can’t have time.” Time and I have not always been friends. In the past, I have felt rushed, stressed, apologetic, and robbed of what could be “precious moments”. I was unable to live in the now and would always be...