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with So many of us wear our ability to work long hours without rest or pause as a badge of honour. We pride ourselves on working longer, putting our own needs aside and achieving more. It’s a common trait of high-achievers, people pleasers and perfectionists...
by | | All Posts, My Lessons, Personal Growth, Success, Tips & Tool
After graduating from a life coach training program, I had big plans and leaped to have a full-time coaching practice. “Go big or go home” is a philosophy I’ve been known to use at times in my life, and this was one of those times. I was so excited to have...
by | | All Posts, My Lessons, Tips & Tool
It’s been 10 whole years since I took my first coaching program and started working with clients! I can hardly believe that this much time has passed. To celebrate, I want to share 10 tips, for 10 years of wisdom learned through being a coach, entrepreneur and...