Sheila’s Top 10 Tips for Success

Sheila’s Top 10 Tips for Success

It’s been 10 whole years since I took my first coaching program and started working with clients! I can hardly believe that this much time has passed. To celebrate, I want to share 10 tips, for 10 years of wisdom learned through being a coach, entrepreneur and...
Proven Success Strategies you Need to Know

Proven Success Strategies you Need to Know

As a success and confidence coach I support clients with creating their next level of success. This begins with creating the destination…what is the next level of success? What is the goal, result or outcome that is desired? Some clients come with this already...

Living Your Best Life Post Covid

As a human race, we have been grieving the way life was. We have collectively, and individually been moving through the grief cycle in our own way: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.   I have seen it in my own life, as well as that of my...