by | | Inspiration, My Lessons
There I was, back in 2016, walking down the long, grey corridor at the hotel where I worked as a sales manager. It was a regular day, like all the others and I was heading back to my office when all of a sudden I stopped. It was like I woke up from a deep sleep. Loud...
by | | Inspiration, Personal Growth
What will I experience, learn and come away with in an evening with Eckhart Tolle? These were the thoughts in my mind as I said ‘yes’ to a dear friend who generously gifted me an extra ticket to hear Tolle speaking in Vancouver, with her, thank you Leah! My previous...
by | | Inspiration, My Lessons, Personal Growth, Self Love, Tips & Tool
I can remember sitting at the table, coloring with my Mom and older sister when I was about five years old. I was intently focused on what I was creating with my crayons, content to be lost in the moment. Until I wasn’t. I looked over at my Mom’s picture and then my...
by | | All Posts, My Lessons, Relationships & Communication
In relationships, we tend to settle into our automatic ways of being. For example, in my relationship with my husband, I’m the social butterfly, he’s the homebody. I’m the organized planner, he prefers to decide what’s next in the moment. It’s wonderful...
by | | All Posts, Entrepreneur Interviews
Marissa Brown During the interview, we gained insights into Marissa’s entrepreneurial journey, which began at the age of 18. She has since built a highly successful spa business that has become the most sought-after destination for eyelash extensions and...
by | | All Posts, Confidence, Personal Growth, Success, Tips & Tool
Confidence is a vital aspect of life that affects every aspect of our daily routine. It is the foundation of personal growth and success and has the power to shape our beliefs and attitudes toward life. Confidence helps us to take on new challenges, deal with...
by | | All Posts, Entrepreneur Interviews
Meghan Smith In this interview, we learn more about Meghan, a spiritually led coach who supports high-achieving entrepreneurs to grow their businesses by healing their relationship with themselves, tending to their nervous systems, and addressing their underlying...
by | | Confidence, My Lessons, Personal Growth, Relationships & Communication, Success, Tips & Tool, Well-being
Double down on the 20% of activities that provide you with 80% of your results – genius! The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, states that for many events, roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of the causes. Why does this matter? Because now you...
by | | All Posts, Book Reviews, Confidence, Personal Growth, Relationships & Communication, Self Love, Success, Tips & Tool, Well-being
What is Mental Fitness? The mind’s ability to shift from a negative response to a positive one when you are presented with a challenge or stressor. Imagine if you were able to face any problem with a calm, collected, and positive frame of thinking when a...
by | | All Posts, My Lessons, Personal Growth, Success, Tips & Tool, Well-being
“If you can’t take time, you can’t have time.” Time and I have not always been friends. In the past, I have felt rushed, stressed, apologetic, and robbed of what could be “precious moments”. I was unable to live in the now and would always be...
by | | All Posts, Confidence, Inspiration, My Lessons, Personal Growth, Self Love, Success, Tips & Tool
Since I took my first coaching course 10 years ago, I have identified a major challenges for so many individuals, especially entrepreneurs. That challenge is a lack of confidence. Confidence; the belief or self-assurance in one’s own worth and ability....
by | | Inspiration, Personal Growth, Success, Tips & Tool, Well-being
Values are a guidance system that is important to how we live and work. I think of them as a compass, pointing us in the direction that most resonates with our highest and best. Each individual may have different core values that are unique to them. As a Life Coach I...
by | | All Posts, My Lessons, Personal Growth, Success, Tips & Tool, Well-being
with So many of us wear our ability to work long hours without rest or pause as a badge of honour. We pride ourselves on working longer, putting our own needs aside and achieving more. It’s a common trait of high-achievers, people pleasers and perfectionists...
by | | All Posts, Inspiration, Personal Growth, Self Love, Well-being
I still remember sitting on my couch, curled up in a fetal position, semi-reclined with my head resting against the cool leather. It was the middle of the night, dark except for the streetlight shining from behind the curtains. My husband and one year old were asleep...
by | | All Posts, My Lessons, Personal Growth, Success, Tips & Tool
After graduating from a life coach training program, I had big plans and leaped to have a full-time coaching practice. “Go big or go home” is a philosophy I’ve been known to use at times in my life, and this was one of those times. I was so excited to have...
by | | All Posts, My Lessons, Tips & Tool
It’s been 10 whole years since I took my first coaching program and started working with clients! I can hardly believe that this much time has passed. To celebrate, I want to share 10 tips, for 10 years of wisdom learned through being a coach, entrepreneur and...
by | | Success, Tips & Tool
As a success and confidence coach I support clients with creating their next level of success. This begins with creating the destination…what is the next level of success? What is the goal, result or outcome that is desired? Some clients come with this already...
by | | Tips & Tool, Well-being
As a human race, we have been grieving the way life was. We have collectively, and individually been moving through the grief cycle in our own way: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I have seen it in my own life, as well as that of my...
by | | Self Love, Well-being
Taking care of you and having a ‘full cup’ is foundational to everything else in life. Taking care of you and having a ‘full cup’ is foundational to everything else in life: your happiness, your relationships, your business, all of it. You can’t effectively...
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Have you set goals and/or intentions for this year? If you haven’t, you’re not alone. Nearly 90% of people do not set goals for themselves, they watch life happening and react to situations accordingly. This most likely happens not because you don’t want to set goals,...
by | | All Posts, Tips & Tool
US News reports that 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February. At the writing of this post, that still leaves a couple of weeks for folks to continue their resolutions! Not a very positive or...
by | | All Posts, Inspiration, Tips & Tool
It’s time for your bucket list to kick the bucket! After all, isn’t that what these lists imply; things you want to do before you die? I’m thinking Hollywood Movie, The Bucket List with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson where they bust out of a...
by | | All Posts, Tips & Tool, Well-being
Time and I are generally not the best of friends. It usually goes that I try to make time go the way I...
by | | All Posts, Tips & Tool
Personal growth courses and books often focus on looking at the positive, at what’s going well. Positive affirmations, unicorns and rainbows. Don’t get me wrong, all of these things are great, and I’m “Mrs. Positive” according to my friends and family. What I’m...
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I’m so excited to share that coaching is coming back in full force in my life! At the beginning of the year, I took stock of my life and asked myself “what am I doing here?” Coaching had been on the back burner for the past few years while...
by | | Tips & Tool, Well-being
The Key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities” – Stephen Covey Do you ever get to the end of your week and think to yourself, “wow, I didn’t get anything done that I wanted to!”? Our days fill up quickly with many minor tasks,...